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Monday, September 28, 2009

we are fundraising for "Blasted!" video #4

this is me doing a 'character study' of all the personalities that run my label, Short Story Records...

we are fundraising for "Blasted!" video #3

this is something i made with Gabriel, who is a co-producer of "Blasted!"

we are fundraising for "Blasted!" video #2

working my fingers to the bone over here...

we are fundraising for "Blasted!" video #1

me and my mom tap dancing. oh goddess she would kill me! let me try this again: my mom and I tap dancing!

hi again

ok, in my launching of the whole Kickstarter fundraiser for my new album, "Blasted!" i've been admittedly ignoring all 12 of you. i promise omise this will not continue to happen! onward and upward, blog spotters!